Are you looking to add some character and personality to your space? Do you want to create a sleek and modern look that reflects your personal style? If so, then incorporating contemporary art styles into your home or office is the perfect way to achieve this goal. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of contemporary art styles, their benefits, and where to find them. We will also provide you with tips on choosing and displaying contemporary art pieces to create a chic and stylish look.


Types of Contemporary Art Styles

Contemporary art styles encompass a wide range of artistic expressions, from abstract to pop art to minimalism. Each style offers unique characteristics that can add a distinct touch to your space.


Abstract Art

Abstract art is a style of art that does not depict recognizable images of the world, but instead uses color, form, and texture to create an emotional response. Abstract art is perfect for those who want to create a bold and vibrant look in their space. The use of bold colors and sweeping brushstrokes in abstract art can create a dynamic and energizing atmosphere. Abstract art can also be a great conversation starter, as the interpretation of the artwork can vary from person to person.


To incorporate abstract art into your space, choose a large piece to act as a focal point, or group smaller pieces together for a more dynamic look. Abstract art can be hung on a blank wall to create a statement piece or placed on a shelf or mantle to add depth to a space.


Pop Art

Pop art is a style of art that originated in the 1950s and 60s and features bright colors, bold lines, and images from popular culture. Pop art is perfect for those who want to create a playful and fun atmosphere in their space. The use of bright colors and recognizable images, such as celebrities or consumer products, can add a touch of whimsy to any room.


To incorporate pop art into your space, choose pieces that feature bright colors and bold lines. Pop art can be hung on a wall or displayed on a shelf or table. Grouping different pop art pieces together can create a cohesive and visually interesting display. Mixing pop art with other art styles, such as abstract or minimalist pieces, can add depth and texture to your space.



Minimalism is a style of art that uses a limited number of elements, such as color, line, and shape, to create a clean and uncluttered look. Minimalism is perfect for those who want to create a serene and sophisticated atmosphere in their space. The use of simple lines and muted colors can create a sense of calm and balance in a room.


To incorporate minimalism into your space, choose pieces that have clean lines and a limited color palette. Minimalist art can be hung on a wall or displayed on a shelf or table. Mixing minimalist pieces with other art styles, such as abstract or pop art pieces, can create a dynamic and layered look.


Benefits of Contemporary Art Styles

Incorporating contemporary art styles into your space can offer a wide range of benefits, including adding character and personality, enhancing the mood of your space, inspiring creativity and innovation, and reflecting your personal taste and style. Contemporary art pieces can act as a conversation starter and can add a unique touch to any space. They can also help to create a specific atmosphere in a room, whether it be a playful and whimsical mood or a serene and sophisticated one. 


Contemporary art can inspire creativity and innovation by offering new perspectives and ideas. Lastly, choosing art pieces that speak to your personal taste and style can make your space feel more like home.


Where to Find Contemporary Art Pieces

Contemporary art pieces can be found in a variety of places, including galleries and museums, online marketplaces, and independent artists. Visiting galleries and museums can offer a chance to see the artwork up close and in person. Online marketplaces, such as Etsy and Saatchi Art, offer a wide range of contemporary art pieces and can provide a convenient way to browse and purchase artwork. Independent artists can also be a great source for finding unique and one-of-a-kind pieces.


Tips for Choosing and Displaying Contemporary Art Pieces

When choosing and displaying contemporary art pieces, there are a few things to keep in mind. Consider the color scheme of your space and choose pieces that complement or contrast with it. Think about the size and placement of the artwork, as larger pieces can act as a focal point, while smaller pieces can add depth and texture to a space. Mixing and matching different art styles can add interest and variety to your space. Lastly, choose pieces that speak to you personally and use lighting to highlight the artwork and create a dramatic effect.



Incorporating contemporary art styles into your space can add a unique touch and create a chic and stylish look. Whether you choose abstract, pop art, or minimalism, each style offers a distinct set of characteristics that can enhance the mood of your space and reflect your personal taste and style. By following our tips on choosing and displaying contemporary art pieces, you can create a visually interesting and dynamic space that is sure to impress.