Digital prints have revolutionized the art world by introducing new possibilities for artists, collectors, and galleries. With the advancement of digital printing technology, art can now be easily reproduced with high accuracy and precision, making it more accessible to a wider audience.

The digital printing process allows for greater control over the final product, resulting in stunning reproductions that closely resemble the original work. Artists can also create limited-edition runs of their work, allowing for exclusivity and rarity, while collectors can acquire multiple pieces without breaking the bank.

Digital prints also offer new options for displaying and hanging art. They can be printed on various materials such as canvas, metal, and acrylic. They can also be printed in various sizes, making them easy to fit into any space. Digital prints can also be displayed in unique ways, such as on large-scale murals and light boxes, offering new and exciting ways to display art.

The rise of digital prints has also led to new forms of art, such as digital collages and animations. This has expanded the definition and possibilities of what we consider "art" and has opened up many new possibilities for creating and consuming art. Additionally, digital prints are more eco-friendly than traditional reproduction methods, as the process utilizes less physical materials and is less harmful to the environment.

Unique and creative ways to display digital art on your wall

Large-scale murals

As mentioned, Digital art can be printed on various materials such as wallpaper, fabric, and vinyl to create a large-scale mural. This could be an excellent option for a living room, bedroom, or even in a commercial space to create an impactful focal point. One of the advantages of using this method is that it allows you to turn a blank wall into a dynamic, eye-catching piece of art. It could also be a great solution if you want to create an illusion of depth, like a landscape painting or street art, or if you're going to transform a simple room into a whimsical forest or a futuristic cityscape.


Lightboxes are a modern and unique way to display digital art. The art is backlit, creating a dramatic effect and adding depth to the image. They come in different sizes and shapes, from small portable ones to large commercial grades. Lightboxes can be hung on the wall like a traditional picture frame, place on a stand, or mounted on a ceiling. They are ideal for displaying photographs, illustrations, digital paintings, or advertising.

Projection mapping

Projection mapping is a technique that uses a projector to display digital art onto a three-dimensional surface, such as a sculpture, building façade, or an architectural feature. This could be a great way to add visual interest to an otherwise blank wall and create an immersive experience. One of the advantages of projection mapping is that it allows you to create a large-scale piece without taking up physical space. You could project a 3D animation, a video art, or a virtual reality experience.

Gallery wall

Creating a gallery wall with a mix of different digital prints and art is a great way to display multiple pieces in one area. It allows you to experiment with different sizes, colors, and styles. You could mix photographs, illustrations, digital paintings, and 3D-printed art. One of the advantages of using this method is that you can personalize your wall to reflect your taste and interest.

Multiple Pieces in a Line

This is a great way to make a statement and add interest to a hallway, stairway, or any long wall. This could be an excellent way to show a digital art collection, like a series of photographs, illustrations, or even a short animation. This method allows you to create a consistent look and emphasize a theme or a story.

Interactive installation

As mentioned, Another way to display digital art is as an interactive installation. This could be a great way to make the art more engaging and interactive. You could use sensors, touch screens, or projection mapping to create a dynamic and responsive art piece. This is a great way to create an immersive and memorable experience.

Print on other materials

As mentioned before, you could print on metal, acrylic, wood, and more. This could be a great way to give a different twist on the traditional hanging frame and could add a modern feel. The advantage of this method is that it allows you to create a durable, long-lasting piece and add texture and depth to your digital art.

These are just a few examples of the many ways to display digital art. The key is to think creatively and find a display method that best showcases the art and fits the room's aesthetic. With digital art, the possibilities are endless; your imagination is the only limit.


Transform your living space with stunning digital art from! Our budget-friendly digital prints are perfect for DIY framers and allow you to create a custom piece that reflects your personal style. With our wide selection of artwork, you'll find something to fit any room in your home.

Never settle for bland, generic artwork. At, we offer a variety of styles, from contemporary to traditional, so you can find something that truly speaks to you. And with our budget-friendly prices, you can afford to change your decor as often as you like.

Don't let the cost of custom framing hold you back. Our digital prints make it easy to create a one-of-a-kind piece that perfectly complements your existing décor. Whether you're looking for a statement piece for your living room or a smaller piece for your bedroom or office, we have something for everyone.

Head over to our shop now and start browsing our collection. With our budget-friendly digital prints, the possibilities are endless! Shop today and start creating your own custom gallery wall.