The practice of displaying art in the home dates back to ancient times, when the walls of palaces and temples were adorned with paintings and sculptures. Today, art is a vital aspect of interior design, with a carefully curated collection of art pieces being capable of making your home stand out and showcase your unique style. In this blog post, we'll delve deeper into the world of eclectic art and explore the benefits of incorporating it into your home decor, while also providing tips on how to curate an art collection that reflects your personal style.


What is Eclectic Art?

The term "eclectic" refers to art pieces that are diverse, unconventional, and non-conformist. The beauty of eclectic art is in its ability to include a variety of styles, genres, and mediums. It is all about mixing and matching different types of art pieces to create a unique and personalized collection. Eclectic art can range from vintage posters to abstract paintings to quirky sculptures. By selecting pieces that speak to you, you can curate an art collection that truly reflects your personality and style.


Benefits of Eclectic Art

There are many benefits to incorporating eclectic art into your home decor. Here are just a few:


1) Adds Personality and Character to Your Living Space

Eclectic art enables you to showcase your individual style and personality. By curating a collection of art pieces that resonate with you, you can create a living space that is truly unique. Eclectic art is all about breaking the rules and thinking outside the box, which can help you create a home that reflects your individuality.


2) Creates a Focal Point in Your Living Space

A well-curated collection of eclectic art can create a focal point in your living space. Whether it's a gallery wall of colorful paintings or a collection of vintage photographs, eclectic art can draw the eye and create visual interest in your home.


3) Sparks Conversation

Eclectic art is often unconventional and thought-provoking, which can spark conversation and create a sense of community in your living space. By showcasing art pieces that are unusual and unique, you can create an environment that encourages creativity and discussion.



Finding the Perfect Eclectic Art for Your Home

Now that you understand the benefits of incorporating eclectic art into your home decor, let's delve into how to find the perfect pieces for your living space.


1) Look in Unconventional Places

Eclectic art can be found in unconventional places, so don't be afraid to explore thrift stores, flea markets, online marketplaces, and local art shows. You never know where you'll find that perfect piece to add to your collection.


2) Consider Color, Size, and Texture

When selecting art pieces for your home, consider factors such as color, size, and texture. Look for pieces that complement your existing decor and add visual interest to your living space. Don't be afraid to mix and match different types of art pieces to create a unique and eclectic collection.


Curating an Eclectic Art Collection

Once you've found a few eclectic art pieces that you love, it's time to start curating your collection. Here are some tips to help you create a cohesive and visually appealing collection:


1) Create a Color Scheme

To create a cohesive collection, consider creating a color scheme. Choose a few colors that you love and look for art pieces that incorporate those colors. By sticking to a color scheme, you can create a collection that is visually appealing and ties your living space together.


2) Mix and Match Styles and Mediums

Eclectic art is all about mixing and matching different styles and mediums. When curating your eclectic art collection, don't be afraid to mix and match different styles and mediums to create a unique and visually interesting display.


For example, you can mix traditional art pieces such as oil paintings with modern pieces such as abstract art. You can also mix different mediums such as paintings, sculptures, photographs, and prints to create a diverse collection. By mixing and matching different styles and mediums, you can create a collection that is visually interesting and reflects your personal taste.


When mixing and matching styles and mediums, it's important to consider how they will complement each other. For example, you can create a cohesive collection by selecting art pieces that share similar color schemes, themes, or styles. You can also create a collection that is more eclectic by selecting art pieces that are vastly different from each other but still complement your existing decor.


It's important to consider how they will be displayed in your living space. For example, sculptures can be displayed on shelves or pedestals, while paintings can be displayed on walls. You can also create a more dynamic display by arranging art pieces of different sizes and shapes together.


Consider Framing and Matting

Framing and matting can also have a significant impact on the overall look of your eclectic art collection. When selecting frames, consider the style and color of your art piece. A frame that is too simple can make your art piece look unfinished, while a frame that is too ornate can overwhelm your art piece. Consider selecting a frame that complements the style and color of your art piece and ties your collection together.


Matting can also add depth and visual interest to your art piece. When selecting matting, consider the color and width of the mat. A wider mat can make your art piece stand out and draw the eye to the art piece, while a narrower mat can create a more minimalist look.


Displaying Your Eclectic Art Collection

After curating your eclectic art collection, it's time to display it in your home. Here are some tips on how to display your collection in a visually interesting and cohesive way:


1) Create a Gallery Wall

A gallery wall is a popular way to display a collection of eclectic art. To create a gallery wall, select a wall in your living space and arrange your art pieces in a visually interesting way. You can use different sizes and shapes of frames to create a dynamic display. You can also mix and match different types of art pieces such as paintings, sculptures, and photographs to create a more diverse collection.


2) Use Floating Shelves

Floating shelves are a great way to display a collection of eclectic art pieces. By using floating shelves, you can create a visually interesting display that allows you to easily change the arrangement of your art pieces. You can also mix and match different types of art pieces such as paintings, sculptures, and photographs to create a more diverse collection.


3) Create an Accent Wall

An accent wall is a great way to create a focal point in your living space. To create an accent wall, select a wall in your living space and arrange your art pieces in a unique pattern or design. You can use different sizes and shapes of art pieces to create a visually interesting display.



Incorporating eclectic art into your home decor can help you create a living space that is truly unique and reflective of your personal style. When curating your eclectic art collection, don't be afraid to mix and match different styles and mediums. By selecting art pieces that share similar color schemes, themes, or styles, you can create a cohesive collection that ties your living space together. When displaying your collection, consider using a gallery wall, floating shelves, or an accent wall to create a visually interesting display.